How To Cut In Ceilings When Painting A Room
There are three different methods you can use to get the perfect line between the wall and ceiling.
If you’ve painted a room in the past, I’m sure you’ve had the ceiling line blues. No matter how hard you try to paint perfect lines where the wall meets the ceiling, it can sometimes be tough — especially if the wall is uneven. Here are three tried-and-true methods that work for me every time.
If you’ve painted a room in the past, I’m sure you’ve had the ceiling line blues. No matter how hard you try to paint perfect lines where the wall meets the ceiling, it can sometimes be tough — especially if the wall is uneven. Here are three tried-and-true methods that work for me every time.
Method #1: Using Caulk
This method is the most time consuming, but it creates a very crisp, even line where the ceiling and wall meet. It’s the best way to touch up an already-painted room.- Place painters tape on the wall, about 1/8″ down from the ceiling. Place a second piece on the ceiling, about 1/8″ out from the wall.
- Run a line of caulk along the opening in between the two strips of tape.
- Run a wet finger or ice cube along caulk to smooth.
- Remove tape immediately.
Cutting in ceiling with angled brush
Method #2: Angled Brush
This method takes a little practice, but with the right paint brush and a steady hand, you can paint a perfect line where the wall meets the ceiling.- Using a high-quality angled brush, apply paint to the wall about 1/4″ down from the ceiling. I like using a 2″ angled brush.
- Do not reload the brush with paint. Instead, use it to push the paint you already applied in Step 1 to the ceiling line. Pull it left to right or right to left, depending on how you need to stand to reach the ceiling. Try to get just the tips of the angled brush right where wall and ceiling meet. The angled brush will help paint a perfect line.
Method #3: Ceiling Line Paint Tool
If you’re new to painting a room, having a ceiling painting pad tool will help you paint a perfect line easily.- When you place the pad along the top of the wall so the wheels roll on the ceiling, you’ll be able to paint a perfect line. I often use the pad to paint the area right under the ceiling, too.
- It’s better to load less paint on the pad and use two light coats instead of one heavy one. This will ensure that paint doesn’t get on the wheels so you can paint a perfectly straight line.
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